Hurt. Then, Heal.

Three simple admonishments…

1. Be careful WHO you hurt…Sometimes we hurt the very people who God sent to heal us. We destroy that which the universe sent to develop us. We end up cursing the very person that God Read the rest

Celebrate and Re-collate

I am in awe of God’s creation. Here I am, this fallen, fallible, feeble and sometimes fearful specimen of a being that He relentlessly pursues, provides for, and protects. I pray throughout the day, at night I worship and weep … Read the rest

Sweet like 2023

Well, well, well… look at us, all in 2023 chillin when we didn’t think we would make it out of 2022!!! LOL! Ya’ll, I am LOVING this new year already! 2023 is tastin’ good, and it’s pretty sweet so far! Read the rest

Knuck If You Buck…

I legit felt like fighting this past week!!! Ya’ll I had a host of situations try to pull the lil gangsta out of me! LOL. Of course I didn’t, as a matter of fact I had a great week full
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It is Really Hard for Me…

It is really hard for me…to stay in the present. My mind often travels in lighting speeds back into the past and forward to the unknown future. The biggest commitment I’ve had to make (and keep) to myself, is to … Read the rest

Unmoved… and Moving

One of my daily affirmations is “I am unmoved by adverse appearances, therefore, adverse appearances move”. That declaration empowers me to optimistically look forward to every experience of the day with no fear. I have perfect confidence in God, and … Read the rest

I’m Tired…of Me!

Before we get started, let me say this… don’t be judging me for what I am about to say! (I said, what I said) 😊.

My life is a complex web of responsibilities, roles, and relationships. Intrinsically, I thrive on … Read the rest

Mozart, Picasso and DD …

This pen (and keyboard) is to me what the piano was to Mozart and the paint brush to Picasso. It is both my sheet of music and canvas, in which I curate my artistic masterpieces. It is my best friend … Read the rest

The Yen and Yang of Thangz

It’s been a few weeks ya’ll, and I apologize for falling off, but I have not had the mental space or time to create or cultivate my craft. I have been climbing my own Mount Kilimanjaro and swimming in my … Read the rest

My Birthday Gift!

My birthday is a week away ya’ll and these past few weeks I have been combing through the last 365 days in my mind, looking for all the lessons and wisdom I can take into my new year. Dr. Joe … Read the rest