I’m Tired…of Me!

Before we get started, let me say this… don’t be judging me for what I am about to say! (I said, what I said) 😊.

My life is a complex web of responsibilities, roles, and relationships. Intrinsically, I thrive on … Read the rest

Mozart, Picasso and DD …

This pen (and keyboard) is to me what the piano was to Mozart and the paint brush to Picasso. It is both my sheet of music and canvas, in which I curate my artistic masterpieces. It is my best friend … Read the rest

The Yen and Yang of Thangz

It’s been a few weeks ya’ll, and I apologize for falling off, but I have not had the mental space or time to create or cultivate my craft. I have been climbing my own Mount Kilimanjaro and swimming in my … Read the rest