Talk To Me Nice

The last few days I’ve been thinking about what to write about. I went from topic to topic then I settled on writing myself a love letter, because who else deserves more encouragement, affirmation, and love than me (and you!)?!? This isn’t an act of selfishness but rather quite the opposite. You see, every single day someone is in receipt of my encouragement, support, advocacy, guidance, a prayer, provision or of my love and so it is not only appropriate but a requirement that I speak to myself the same way (if not better) than I do to others (as should you!).

After reading my lil love letter, my prayer, my hope, and my request is that you write one to yourself! Don’t wait on anyone to compliment, affirm, or praise your work, do it first for yourself. Here’s why… your perspective of yourself will either be your passport or your prison. If you have not developed enough self-love to speak positively about yourself, then all your other words to others are in vain. Meaning, you can’t give anything that you don’t have. So, if you’re struggling in any area of your life, I recommend that you examine the words you’re speaking about it and more importantly what you are saying about yourself to yourself in that situation. I’ll tell my friends all the time “talk to me nice”, that means I don’t have the patience nor interest in having any smoke, negative energy, or drama from them. I just want to keep the peace, happiness and luv flowing! LOL. So, let’s say that together, repeat it aloud a couple times until your subconscious accepts this directive in your soul…say “Insert your name, talk to me nice!”. In my letter to myself, that’s exactly what I do, and I want you to do the same. Send me your “talk to me nice” letter, I wanna hear all the goodness you got tah’ say about yo’self!

“Hey babe! I am so incredibly and ridiculously proud of you! I have always known and believed that you were created for greatness. I love how you have ascended above the negative naysayers, challenges, and heartbreaks in your life. You have forgiven so many who have hurt you unnecessarily, blessed those that cursed you and loved those who actually hated you and for that you should be proud! You have examined your motives, attitudes, and intentions to purify them in accordance with your life’s purpose, and all that hard work is paying off. You have attracted some of the most powerful, beautiful, and deep souls to surround you in this journey of life. You are continually learning and healing so that you can do all the things you said you could not do when you were hurting. Your visions of success will be surpassed and your desire to serve and change lives will absolutely happen in a way that blows your mind! You are too damn cute girl, and you know it! Those morning workouts is doing ya body good, all that water and tea is keeping that skin glowing and that hope, and prayer is keeping your soul attractive, whole, and happy and that is what’s guiding all of your manifestations into your life. You don’t look like nothing that you have come through! Sing louder in the shower, laugh harder, hug longer, listen better and love more intensely. Keep being mesmerized by nature, art, escape through music, and develop yourself with every book, podcast, and source of information you can find. Babe, you are so dope, your smile is infectious, and your transparency is powerful. I hope you know and accept that there is nothing normal or basic about you. You are excellent, poised perfection, loyal, bright like the sun, nourishing like soul food, and crazy, sexy cool like TLC! Continue to wake up in gratitude and go to sleep in thankfulness. Keep being fearless, relentless in your pursuits and being graceful in all you do. You’re blessed and I love you dear.”

2 Comments on “Talk To Me Nice”

  1. Dear Me,

    You have survived the hardest year of your life! There are days you wanted to quit, give up and give in, by succumbing to circumstances around you, but you didn’t. I want to thank you for having the fortitude to wake up everyday and get out of bed, to get dressed, and move forward with life.

    Yes, you could have chosen differently, and I’m certain no one would have even questioned the why, but you didn’t, and for that, I am super proud of you!

    The road ahead is unknown, but one thing is for sure, you are a fighter, and you continue to amaze me everyday with the strength, love, and hope you have inside.

    Don’t ever quit on your life!

    With love always and forever,

    MiShon B. Landry
    11:15 AM CST

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